Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Pictures! (July 26, 2014)

So I've heard of things being held together by duct tape,.... but our vacuum is literally held together with this mechanical pencil!

I am so grateful for the Plan of Salvation, one of the Missionaries in our district found out through email that his grandmother passed away. Finding out in that way was really hard for him, but he immediately realized that she was once again reunited with her husband in a place of rest. We doorbell ditched this missionaries apartment with these stickie notes, treats, and a letter for him.

Ok... I am a little ashamed of myself for taking a selfie but oh well. Far left is Elder Winston, Elder Graves (companion), Elder Nielson is hiding next to him, Elder Wendt (otro companion), and then some unknown super handsome man on the far right.

Zone Picture at the temple before the two senior Districts depart to Argentina!

District Picture, Left to Right, Elder Wendt, Elder Winston, Elder Nielson, Hermana Finlinson, Hermana Hanson, ME, Elder Graves

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