Sunday, July 20, 2014

Semana Next (Cinco)

So I may have sent some of you the wrong zip code on my address, so.... yeah. If you write a letter you may want to check that out. I GOT MY TRAVEL PLANS!!! Not this monday but next I will be leaving on a plane to fly to Atlanta, I'll have a 4 hour layover and then an 11 hour flight down to Buenos Aires and then a 13 hour drive up to Posadas. I am so sososososososo excited! Anyways on to more important things. 

This week we had two amazing devotionals. One of them was on taking the name of Christ upon us and what it means. The speaker also talked about what it means to take the Lords name in vain. Anytime you use the Lord's name with frivolity or thoughtlessness or out of anger, you are taking the Lord's name in vain. Although he did not outright declare this, he suggested that one of the most common times that the Lord's name is used thoughtlessly is when a prayer is closed in a slur of inthenameofjesuschristamen. He suggested that out of everything that you say in the prayer, possibly the MOST important part is closing in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The other devotional was on charity. The speaker broke down a scripture. The message of that scripture was, You can speak with all the power that words can carry, but if you lack Charity for those you are teaching, you are annoying and give people headaches. Now if you're wondering where this came from look for the scripture that talks about charity and sounding brass. I won't tell you where it is because if you actually look for it and find it you'll be more likely to remember it than if I just tell you. But in the devotional the speaker asked if there were missionaries that played brass. The speaker asked the brass player questions and in the words of a brass player, a brass instrument by itself is just annoying and gives people headaches which is what happens if you do not have charity.

So about my investigator, she opened up to us more and asked a lot of questions and we had some wonderful lessons, all in spanish. My companions and I really grew to love her, but unfortunately we won't be allowed to teach her anymore, yesterday was our last lesson with her, but I know that the next missionaries will do a wonderful job. She did finally commit to pray about the truth of the things that we were teaching, and we promised her that if she did with faith and then if she sincerely looked for God's answer that she would receive an answer and the Holy Ghost would confirm it.

Me: So apparently I struggle with "antes de" which means before and "despues de" which means after. While speaking of the Atonement in a lesson where our teacher was pretending to be an investigator I messed it up and my companion said "you mean despues right" and I said "Ohh yeah" and so I tried to say it again and made the same mistake and then I made the same mistake again, and then I finally got it right. I was just speaking spanish and not thinking clearly about each individual word.

Elder Wendt: In one of our lessons with our teacher pretending to be an investigator Elder Wendt said the prayer at the close and he asked for Raul to be blessed and Raul's family and lot's of stuff about Raul. The prayer was amazing and very sincere, the only problem was that we were teaching Juan not Raul... Raul is a different investigator that we had.

Elder Graves: So in one of our lessons we committed one of investigators to baptism, not a real investigator it was a teacher pretending to be a man named Pablo. We had been teaching "Pablo" for a few weeks now and he finally decided he wanted to be baptized. Elder Wendt and I were so excited and were telling him how great his decision was and Elder Graves said "Mucho Gusto" he thought it meant I'm so excited but it actually means pleased to meet you. So in English it went something like this...

Elder Wendt:........lesson stuff.......Will you be baptized?

Pablo: (very long answer that ended with) Yes!

Me: That's so great Pablo

Elder Wendt: We're so happy for you!

Elder Graves: Pleased to meet you!

Pablor, Elder Wendt, and Me:...................................

Elder Graves: What?

It ended up being a fantastic lesson but it was really funny.

I love being on a mission so much and I'm so excited that before long I will be on the plane to Argentina,
I love you all!
Elder Peterson

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